Emily Elizabeth Hassell

Basilica Industria, Hudson NY 2008 Solo exhibition

Artists Statement
Im drawn to recreate things I perceive about human nature, situations, emotions, stories, and often difficult scenarios that I either cannot ignore, cant comprehend, or observe without  processing it somehow. I try to find points where our humanity resonates on some level connects rather than separates, recreating a shared glimpse of our humanity. Though much of my material is deeply researched and thought out, when Im actually up to my elbows in it I leave myself free to let the material and composition evolve on its own as well.  Though the beginning of the work process leans toward conceptual, my goal is to make it be simple enough to speak for itself simply and clearly with no long explanation on the wall next to it describing what it is. That it holds enough content through the materials I use to continue to provoke thought over and over again, but be "readable" and make sense even for a young child at first glimpse.  The materials for me become the metaphors for the different thoughts surrounding the subject itself, describing scenarios and ideas. 

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